Microbiomes in Food Production
Humans have long utilized microorganisms for food preservation, health benefits, and nutrient production, but these microbes also pose risks, such as causing diseases and reducing agricultural yields. SCELSE leverages its expertise in biofilm research to understand these complex microbial interactions, promoting sustainable food production and human health. By developing microbial solutions for agriculture, SCELSE enhances crop resilience, valorizes waste streams, and optimizes alternative protein sources. Their gut microbiome program further advances human and livestock health through diet-induced modulation and probiotic development. Additionally, SCELSE’s research addresses food safety, spoilage prevention, and the mitigation of antimicrobial resistance in food production systems.
Food Sustainability: Terrestrial and Indoor Farming
population is challenged by overuse of land and declining resources, as well as the effects
of climate change on rainfall patterns, droughts, floods and the degradation of soil quality.
SCELSE is investigating the means by which biofilms and microbiomes can help to meet
Singapore’s food security goals by understanding the intimate involvement microbes have
in plant, and livestock health, productivity and resilience.

Understanding root-soil microbiome interactions to foster enhanced plant resilience and productivity.
Climate Resilience
Environmental microbiomes provide critical functions for host organisms and ecosystems at large. Microorganisms can promote resilience for keystone species in crucial habitats, as well as stabilise ecosystems and enable adaptations to climate change.
Understanding how microbes can be used to alleviate the impacts of climate change is crucial to harnessing their potential for climate resilience.
- Carbon-nitrogen-sulphur nexus in agri-ecosystems
- Low environmental footprint solutions for water and nutrient use
- Temperature and drought-tolerant solutions for terrestrial food production systems
- Marine vegetation – carbon sequestration and sustainable habitat for aquaculture species, e.g. seagrass

Developing drought-tolerant solutions in urban crops
Aqua solutions: Valorisation of waste-streams, probiotics
The conversion of food waste or by-products into higher value products that contribute back to the food supply chain enhances sustainability by both repurposing waste and avoiding the need for disposal and providing quality nutrients without the need to extract further resources from natural environments.
A prime example of this is the growing aquaculture industry, where there is demand for protein ingredients is experiencing unprecedented growth. In addition to alternative protein sources, other nutrients such as oils can be derived from food waste streams through the cultivation of various microorganisms.
Converting food processing waste to aquaculture feed:-Single cell (microbial) protein sources for fishmeal-Microbial augmentation of insect protein
Optimising microbial symbiosis of single cell algae for production of oil, protein from waste streams (alternative food source)
Probiotic/nutrient combinatorial supplementation of fish feed

Single cell protein derived from soy processing waste stream, for aquaculture feed
Food safety, spoilage and surveillance
Microorganisms impact the production, distribution and storage of our food, and can be responsible for compromising human and animal health. Understanding microbial-food interactions is essential for the development of spoilage prevention and pathogen detection technologies and extending the shelf life of fresh produce.
Seafood safety and surveillance:
- Pathogen characterisation (sequencing) for seafood inspection
- Surveillance of aquaculture pathogens of concern, incl. development of real-time technology for aquaculture
- Seafood microbial characterisation to identify human pathogens
- Source tracking of pathogens in and around sediments associated with aquaculture farms
- Microplastics-associated pathogens and toxins in marine food chain (e.g., animal rearing facilities)
Food spoilage
- Microbial solutions to delay post-harvest food spoilage
- Understanding microbial biofilm formation to prevent food spoilage, e.g., raw chicken, leafy greens
Food and public health; emerging pathogens
Study on gastroenteritis – ‘omics studies sequencing pathogens (virus/bacteria) responsible for surveillance

Human health & microbiomes
The human body and the microorganisms it has coevolved with are intrinsically linked in a relationship that has great potential to impact our physiology in both health and disease. Microorganisms contribute to metabolic functions, protect against pathogens and modulate the immune system.
The extent to which our microbiome controls our health and wellbeing is only beginning to be realised. This has created possibilities for employing microorganisms to enhance our health and wellbeing.
Ex vivo gut model development for ingredient testing
- Evaluation of gut health via ex vivo model screening of formulations and ingredients
- Platform technology applicable to multiple animal targets (e.g., aquaculture species, i.e., host-specific probiotics for aquaculture)
Probiotic delivery
- Fermented foods
- Encapsulation
3D printed foods
- Fibre-rich
- Pro/prebiotic delivery
Gut-organ nexus
- Gut-skin
- Gut-immune system

OneHealth and bio-surveillance
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a critical global problem involving all three components of the OneHealth framework: humans, the environment, and animals. The widescale AMR has arisen from irresponsible and excessive use of antimicrobials in food production and medicine.
AMR genes: potential to enter the food chain
- From farm to fork: AMR surveillance in ASEAN poultry farms
- AMR surveillance in natural & built environments (e.g., coastal sediments, waterways)
- Rapid surveillance of AMR in healthcare settings (e.g., hospitals)
- Culturomics-based metagenomic identification of AMR in water sources