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Vibrio cholerae residing in food vacuoles expelled by protozoa are more infectious in vivo

Vibrio cholerae residing in food vacuoles expelled by protozoa are more infectious in vivo

Author(s): Espinoza-Vergara, Gustavo,Noorian, Parisa,Silva-Valenzuela, Cecilia A.,Raymond, Benjamin B. A.,Allen, Christopher,Hoque, M. Mozammel,Sun, Shuyang,Johnson, Michael S.,Pernice, Mathieu,Kjelleberg, Staffan,Djordjevic, Steven P.,Labbate, Maurizio,Camilli, Andrew and McDougald, Diane
Reference: Nature Microbiology (2019), 4: 2466-2474
Research Cluster(s): Biofilm Biology Cluster