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The isolate Caproiciproducens sp. 7d4c2 produces n-caproate at mildly acidic conditions from hexoses: Genome and rBOX comparison with related strains and chain-elongating bacteria

The isolate Caproiciproducens sp. 7d4c2 produces n-caproate at mildly acidic conditions from hexoses: Genome and rBOX comparison with related strains and chain-elongating bacteria

Author(s): Esquivel-Elizondo, Sofia,Bağcı, Caner,Temovska, Monika,Jeon, Byoung Seung,Bessarab, Irina,Williams, Rohan B. H.,Huson, Daniel H. and Angenent, Largus T.
Reference: Frontiers in Microbiology (2021), 11: 594524-594524
Research Cluster(s): Integrative Analysis Unit