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Lee Kar Chun
Research Engineer II
Environmental Engineering cluster, SCELSE
Mr Lee Kar Chun has joined SCELSE as a research engineer II under the supervision of Prof Stefan Wuertz in the Environmental Engineering cluster. SCELSE will be collaborating with Aquaculture Innovation Centre (AIC), Temasek Polytechnic, where Kar Chun will be participating in an interdisciplinary research project to produce fish feed from food-processing wastewater. He received his Bachelor of Science degree (aquaculture) from University of Malaysia Sabah. Prior to joining SCELSE, Kar Chun was with Resorts World Sentosa, SEA Aquarium as an aquarium specialist, specialising in sea jelly (Scyphozoan) sustainable breeding, ranging from culturing polyps to grow-out. He is interested in aquaponic and planted aquariums where plants and aquatic animals co-exists in the system.