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Congrats Prof Staffan Kjelleberg for achieving top rankings in Microbiology by

  • Featured
  • 31 May 2024

SCELSE is proud to announce that Professor Staffan Kjelleberg, SCELSE Advisor & Research Director (Biofilm Biology cluster) and NTU Emeritus Distinguished University Professor, has been ranked as the leading microbiologist in Singapore and the 56th best in the world by, a premier academic platform for researchers. The 2024 edition of’s prestigious Ranking of Best Scientists in the field of Microbiology also honoured Prof Kjelleberg with the Microbiology Leader Award for 2024. This recognition highlights his exceptional contributions and impact in the field of microbiology.

The rankings by are determined based on the D-index (Discipline H-index) metric, which evaluates scientists based on the number of papers and citation values specific to their field. This year’s ranking includes only those leading scientists with a D-index of at least 40 in microbiology, showcasing the significant impact of Prof Kjelleberg’s research output.

“I am honoured to receive this recognition from This is a testament to the collaborative efforts of my colleagues and students at SCELSE, NTU and my wider scientific community. I am excited to continue exploring the intricate world of microbiology and its applications,” said Prof Kjelleberg.

Prof Kjelleberg’s pioneering research in microbial ecology and his innovative approaches in understanding microbial life in natural and engineered environments have set new benchmarks in the field. His work continues to inspire and shape future research directions in microbiology.

For more information, see the full world ranking of microbiologists; and the ranking specific to Singapore; and the detailed report on the ranking statistics and trends.

L’Oréal-SCELSE Joint Lab