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Launched! A new card game “Lockdown!” by SCELSE & NUS

“I have previously designed simple games to teach microbiology concepts to students; and I conceptualised the idea for a Covid-19 card game around the start of the pandemic last year,” said Prof Boucher.

Prof Boucher is no stranger to card game design, having previously designed games to teach microbiology concepts.

  • In the Media
  • 21 Dec 2021

SCELSE PI A/Prof Yann Boucher and Dr Anna Szucs from the NUS Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine have created a family-friendly card game to raise public awareness and understanding of Covid-19 public health measures.

In “Lockdown!”, players take on the role of governments and compete to cure as many Covid patients as they can while solving problems such as shortages of front-line workers. During their turn, players may cure patients by playing “Patient” cards or playing a “Trouble” card to prevent another player from curing patients. “Trouble” must be resolved by playing a corresponding “Help” or “Safeguard” card that represents various measures.

There is even an “International collaboration” card that one can use to get other players to help resolve difficult “Trouble” scenarios.

Some PhD students had the opportunity to play the game during the SCELSE summer course this year, and enjoyed it greatly. “Trust me, we had lots of fun! We couldn’t stop laughing and I can’t wait to receive mine (just ordered one from Shopee) so that I can play with my friends again,” shared PhD student Jonas Koh.

Buy a set today for $25 on Shopee or on the Capital Gains Studio website. Sales proceeds will go to The Red Pencil – a registered charity that provides creative arts therapy to less privileged children.