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New SCELSE centre director

  • Featured
  • 11 Nov 2021

Following a year-long global search, Prof Alain Filloux, chair of Molecular Microbiology research group and professor of molecular biology & microbiology at Imperial College London, has been named SCELSE’s next centre director, commencing
1 September 2022. He will also hold a joint professorship appointment at the School of Biological Sciences and Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine at NTU. 

Prof Filloux will succeed SCELSE’s founding centre director, Prof Staffan Kjelleberg, who will remain at SCELSE-NTU and also assume the role as senior advisor after he steps down as centre director of SCELSE. As the new director, Prof Filloux will build upon SCELSE’s established strengths in line with its mission to drive excellence in research and intellectual leadership as an integrated component of its two host universities – NTU and NUS.