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Programme Requirements


Students will have to fulfil at least 6 graduate-level graded courses, of which the Summer Course – Fundamentals of Environmental Life Sciences Engineering GS7401 (which is the equivalent of two courses) is a compulsory module. Unique to SCELSE, our students can select courses from within NTU or NUS or both universities. Note that one of the six courses must be from outside the main research topic of the student.

Students will also have to go through a Written Qualifying Exam, after passing at least four graduate-level courses (with a CGPA/CAP > 3.8). The Summer Course GS7401 must be one of the four graduate-level courses taken. This Written Qualifying Exam must be completed within the student’s 15th month from date of admission.

After completing all the six graduate-level courses as well as the Written Qualifying Exam, the student will need to go through an Oral Continuation Exam by student’s 18th month from date of admission.

The University may also require students to attend compulsory non-graded courses, such as Research Ethics, and fulfil teaching hours as part of the student’s candidature requirements. Optional: If students are interested to take undergraduate-level courses in areas that are outside his/her undergraduate training, students can take up to 2 bridging (undergraduate) modules which will be listed as part of the student’s transcript as a Pass/Fail grade. Students registered in NTU or NUS will be able to attend bridging modules offered by their respective universities only.

Research project:

The student will need to submit progress reports every semester on his/her research work performance, and should have his/her PhD thesis accepted and pass the PhD oral defence examination by the 48th month of candidature from date of admission.