Simultaneous quantification of Vibrio metoecus and Vibrio cholerae with its O1 serogroup and toxigenic subpopulations in environmental reservoirs Simultaneous quantification of Vibrio metoecus and Vibrio cholerae with its O1 serogroup and toxigenic subpopulations in environmental reservoirs Link to Article Author(s): Nasreen, T., Hussain, N.A.S., Islam, M.T., Orata, F.D., Kirchberger, P.C., Case, R.J., Alam, M., Yanow, S.K. and Boucher, Y.F. Reference: Pathogens (2020) 9: 1053 Research Cluster(s): Meta-‘omics & Microbiomes Cluster Theme(s): Environmental Genomics & Surveillance