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SCELSE in 3rd place in NOBIC Image Contest 2021

The special filamentous microbial species is taking up fluorescently active nanoplastic (50 µm) that is neither the general filamentous Chloroflexi (magenta) nor the Eubacteria (blue)

Choo Pei Yi, SCELSE research associate

  • Featured
  • 23 Nov 2021

Congratulations SCELSE research associate Choo Pei Yi! For clinching the 3rd place of NTU OpticalBio-imaging Centre (NOBIC) image contest which kicked off for users of NOBIC imaging facilities in Jul 21. Pei Yi’s ‘art’ worthy winning entry dubbed The Coccoid Entanglement really impressed the international panel of seven judges comprising representatives from academia and industry. “My entry was taken using a super resolution technique called structured illumination microscopy (SIM),” said Pei Yi. “It showcases chains of Enterococcus faecalis pulse labelled using different coloured cell wall dye.
I recommend NOBIC imaging facilities to other researchers. Afterall, seeing is believing.”

Pei Yi’s second submission Living on the Edge
(pictured above right) also made it to the finals.
And so did SCELSE research assistant Wong Li Lan’s
image ‘The Colorful Jurong Sludge’ (left).

These entries were among 29 images submitted by
participants from SCELSE & LKC School of Medicine, NTU.

Find out more about NOBIC – NTU OpticalBio-Imaging Centre,
which provides expertise relevant to optical imaging in life and
biomedical sciences, including design of customised
imaging systems, here.