(L-R) Michel Birnbaum (SNBC) and Prof Staffan Kjelleberg (SCELSE) welcome Dr Tan Sze Wee (A*STAR);
and Victor Aguilar, Yuko Nakamura and Andrew Weatherston (P&G)
- Featured
- 20 May 2022
While P&G researchers discussed their membrane modelling project and Virucidal lab, SCELSE highlighted fundamental to translational research including membrane modulation and antibiofilm technologies, and biofilm-host interactions applying to real-life applications (e.g., air microbiome, human skin and gut, industrial settings, marine).
“Collaboration is key to enabling research centres to innovate. Singapore National Biofilm Consortium (SNBC) plays a key role in enabling collaboration between academia and industry. We are happy to facilitate this meeting with P&G, SCELSE and other industry players keen to innovate in the areas of biofilm and microbiomes,” said Michel Birnbaum, SCELSE’s director of research translation and entrepreneurship.
This tour, which included presentations from seven SCELSE researchers, was held on 24 Feb 2022 at SCELSE at NTU.
Kudos to the following SCELSE researchers for sharing their expertise:
- Prof Stephan Schuster – Air microbiome
- Prof Stefan Wuertz – Microbial monitoring projects in wastewater treatment plant and waterways
- Dr James Ho- Biomatrix characterisation and ways to understand mechanistic interactions within biofilms
- Dr Ezequiel Santillan – Examples of growing biofilms for specific purposes and modelling to have better representation of real-life situations
- Dr Foo Yong Hwee & Matthew Sng – Spectra imaging of polysaccharide utilising bacteria in biofilms
- Dr Stephen Summers, Prof Fei Xunchang (CEE, NTU) and Dr Stefano Bartolucci (from P&G)- on Circular Material Lab