SCELSE-Graduates & Postdocs Seminar Series: Microbial communities associated with critical environmental issues.
Date: Friday, 24 Nov 2023
Time: 3 pm – 4 pm
Venue: SBS CR2 (SBS-01n-22)
(GPA Seminars are only open to SCELSE researchers. No registration is required. RAs and interns are also welcome to join. Refreshments will be provided.)
TITLE: Overview of microbial processes shaping cyanobacterial harmful algal blooms in a tropical reservoir through metagenomic approach
SPEAKER: Dr Zhang Dong | Research Fellow | Biofilm Biology cluster, SCELSE
Cyanobacterial Harmful Algal Blooms (CHABs) are common threats to water quality and aquatic lives in freshwater lakes. In this study, we investigated microbial and viral samples from a tropical reservoir in Singapore through high-throughput sequencing of the microbial community and viral assemblage. Succession of the dominant cyanobacteria genera was found to be closely related to the co-occurring bacteria and phosphate levels. Investigation of P metabolic pathways revealed enrichment of phosphorus harvesting genes in Raphidiopsis and reliance on phosphate as single P source in Microcystis. Additionally, taxonomic annotation and virus-host interaction uncovered diverse and novel viral population dominated by bacteriophages. Cyanophages infecting Raphidiopsis were proposed to be another main driver in CHAB deterioration through lytic infection.
TITLE: Analysis of a Highly Corrosive Microbial Community Enriched from a Deep-Sea Corroding Mooring Chain
SPEAKER: Yeo Yee Phan | PhD student | Biofilm Biology cluster, SCELSE
Early studies of deep-sea corrosion have been conducted by deploying materials to the fields or by inspecting the corrosion of historical shipwrecks. However, the description of microbiologically-influenced corrosion (MIC) from such studies were mostlv observational and often lack experimental control. Validating field MIC study in a controlled laboratory setting could thus provide valuable insight into the deep-sea MIC. In this study, MIC test was conducted on the microbial community enriched from a corroding mooring chain retrieved from the deep-sea after 10 years of deployment, together with a deep-sea sediment sample collected nearby. The mooring chain enrichment culture exhibits a severe localized MIC behavior that is unmatched b the abiotic corrosion as well as the corrosion induced by the sediment enrichment culture. Microbial community analysis suggests the potential involvement of elemental sulfur in deep-sea MIC, which has been rarely discussed in the past MIC research.